How to Care for Your Recently Whitened Smile

Have you whitened your teeth lately? If you have, then it’s a no-brainer you want to maintain your results and keep a beaming and beautiful smile for as long as you can. The good news is, we have prepared a list of the top tips to keep your smile white and bright! Continue reading for these game-changing guidelines below.

1. Invest in a Quality Toothpaste and Toothbrush

Your toothbrush and toothpaste work hand in hand to remove plaque and debris from those tough-to-reach places in your mouth. Given that they are two important tools you use on a regular basis; you want to ensure you invest in quality products. Unsure of what products to use? Simply ask your dentist in Lethbridge! They will be happy to provide you with recommendations. Of course, you are welcome to conduct your own research, but why not rely on expert’s advice?

2. Reduce Your Consumption of Acidic Food

When you consume acidic fruits and vegetables like cranberries, oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and tomatoes the acids can potentially harm your enamel and result in discolouration. What does this mean? Well, we aren’t saying to cut out citrus fruits and highly acidic foods forever, but we are saying to cut back and consume them alongside water.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking isn’t good for your body and that includes your freshly whitened teeth. You have probably heard over and over again from both your family doctor and dentist in Lethbridge that you should consider quitting. If quitting doesn’t seem realistic to you at this moment, then you may want to reduce the frequency of your smoke breaks. There are various nicotine replacement therapy products that can assist you when you are in the process of quitting. Lozenges, patches, nasal sprays, inhalers, and nicotine chewing gum are some good examples you may want to check out. While quitting can be challenging, just remember, it is possible. You are stronger than you think!

4. Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Every three to four months, you should swap your toothbrush. Once the bristles of your toothbrush begin breaking down, they become less effective for removing plaque. With that said, a visual inspection of your toothbrush is more important than following an actual timeline. If you just received teeth whitening near you, and can’t remember the last time you replaced your toothbrush, perhaps now is the time to do so.

5. Use the Proper Brushing Technique

You may be brushing twice a day for the recommended time, but are you using the right technique? When you brush, you should cover all areas of your teeth, including those tricky crevices and cracks in your teeth for a proper clean. Additionally, you should:
• Use a pea-size amount of toothpaste
• Brush for two to three minutes
• Brush your molars
• Brush the inner surfaces of your teeth
• Gently brush your tongue
For additional information, ask a dentist near you at your dental office in Lethbridge.

6. Choose Teeth-Friendly Foods

Your diet plays an integral role in maintaining the health of your teeth and ensuring they receive the nutrients and vitamins found in a wide variety of foods. If you are in need of suggestions, we have you covered.
• Apples: This crunchy and crispy fruit is a great way to stimulate saliva.
• Cheese: Dairy, contains tooth and bone-fortifying calcium.
• Leafy greens: These not only contain your daily dose of fiber, but they promote saliva production.
• Green Tea: Even if you are a coffee lover there is no harm in enjoying a cup of tea… This beverage has powerful germ and disease-fighting antioxidants that prevent plaque from sticking to your beautiful smile.
Teeth whitening in Lethbridge can deliver your ideal results, but maintaining them is on you! Follow the above tips to preserve your progress.