How Long Do Dental Crowns Last on Front Teeth?

Dental crowns in Lethbridge or caps are tooth-shaped dental appliances that the dentist will introduce over the natural teeth to prevent further damage or improve their appearance. Most dental professionals will recommend this solution if you have severe tooth discolouration, or a cracked, fractured tooth, or misshapen tooth. However, crowns will not last forever. You should pay attention to some of the visible signs that will tell you when it is time to replace them.

How Long Will Front Tooth Dental Crowns Near You Last?

The dental crowns of today have gone through extensive crafting to ensure that they will blend seamlessly with the rest of our natural teeth. There may be a time that you will forget that you are wearing crowns due to their perfect fit. However, there will also come a time when they will deteriorate. Therefore, your dentist near you should inform you about the average lifespan of front tooth dental crowns to manage your expectations.

Why Do You Need Front Tooth Crowns?

There are various situations when the dentist in Lethbridge will have to use a dental crown for a front tooth. Usually, the front teeth will need crowns for restoration purposes. According to the National Institute of Health, the dentist will place them on the anterior teeth if there is severe damage, like a cracked tooth. Extensive damages due to decay and a front tooth that has received a root canal will also require a dental crown. Porcelain crowns are generally used for the crowns in the molars. For the front teeth, ceramic crowns are the more preferred option since they will offer more natural results. Furthermore, the front teeth will not receive the same pressure as our molars; so, using durable materials may not be required.


Typically, dental crowns on your front teeth will have an average lifespan of 15 years. However, there are some instances when dental crowns in Lethbridge can last up to 30 years. Since they can remain in their optimal condition for at least five years, most dental insurances will cover the expenses related to them. Some patients may be surprised to know that they can last for a long time as long as you properly care for them.

How to Protect Your Dental Crowns

Taking care of the dental crowns near you is not so different from caring for your natural teeth. Brush and floss them at least twice a day and schedule a regular dental appointment. It will ensure that the crowns are still functional and in their pristine shape. Look for a toothpaste that does not have abrasive ingredients. Avoid damaging the crowns; some people have habits that they thought were not detrimental to dental appliances but actually are. For instance, chewing or biting something tough such as pencils, nails, and candies, can significantly damage the crowns. Furthermore, try to stay away from foods that cause discolouration. The surrounding teeth can become stained which will make your orthodontic appliance look unnatural and stand out.
A dental crown intended for the patient’s front tooth can still break, especially if it has been poorly made. While the odds of it breaking may seem rare, you should always choose a dentist in Lethbridge that is experienced and skilled. They should be able to fabricate an excellent-looking and long-lasting crown for your front teeth. They should also inform you about the benefits, complications, procedure, and cost. While some insurance companies will handle full or half of the cost, the price will still vary depending on numerous factors.