5 Things You Should Know About Dental Implant Surgery

Whenever people lose one or more permanent teeth, it feels like the end of the world. No one likes that visible gap neither being bothered by chewing in such conditions, and let me tell you, there is no need for you to feel this way permanently since dental implants can be your solution.

The implant itself is a titanium post that will take the place of your missing tooth’s root; therefore, the implant will be our base, and on top of it goes the crown that will look like your natural tooth.

Dental implants are also important due to the following reasons:

  • They improve your self-esteem as they look and feel like your original teeth.
  • A dental implant takes the place of the lost tooth; therefore, the rest of the teeth do not move to fill the gap.
  • They allow you to again eat and speak normally.

If you have made it here, now you know there are multiple reasons to visit a dentist near you and undergo a dental implant procedure. We will list 5 things you should also know about the procedure.

  • It Is Not for Everyone

Even though implant surgery is a promising procedure for many people that have lost a permanent tooth, it has its indications and contraindications. Your dentist in Lethbridge will examine you and let you know if you qualify for it. The first thing that he or she will see is if your gums and bones have the necessary strength for the metal posts. So if you have had gum or bone issues before, the best you can do is to let your dentist know.

  • Temporary Diet Changes

After undergoing dental implant surgery, you have to take some precautions so the procedure can be successful in time; one of them is to be extra cautious in selecting your foods, at least during the first couple of weeks. Among this time, you should eat soft foods, such as hearty soups, yogurt, and juices. Don’t be afraid to look for other options or ask your dentist for recommendations. You can get creative and choose among many foods, like pancakes, very soft-cooked pasta, steamed vegetables, avocado, mashed bananas, scrambled eggs, and mashed beans.

When it comes to drinks, avoid hot and carbonated beverages during the first 48 hours after the procedure.

  • Oral Hygiene Is Crucial

To avoid infections after the surgery, you must brush your teeth very gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush, twice a day; for rinsing, you can use warm salt water - one teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water -during the first week after the procedure. You should do this right after each meal for preventing food particles from stick between your implants.

  • Other Recommendations to Consider

  1. If you are a smoker, you must avoid smoking for the first couple of weeks since it can cause infection or inflammation in the area.
  2. Avoid intense physical activity during the first two days post-operation.
  3. It will help if you gently rinse with warm salt water - one teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water - 5 times a day, during the first week.
  • It’s Normal to Feel Discomfort After Surgery

It’s common to feel some pain and discomfort for the next 10 days after dental implant surgery; you may also experience some swelling, which is normal. If your pain persists after two weeks, consult your dentist.

Dental Implants Near You

If you want to know more about getting a dental implant in Lethbridge, feel free to contact us; our professionals will guide you through the process and offer you the best options.

Address: 1268 6 Ave N, Lethbridge, AB  T1H 5T7, Canada