Why You Should Deal with a Dental Emergency Quickly

There are some things you can do to prevent oral diseases; however, anyone can have an accident that results in severe dental pain. If you have had a dental emergency, you must know how unpleasant it can be. Like any emergency, this is a dangerous situation that requires immediate assistance.

The benefit of having an emergency dentist near you is that it doesn’t matter what the situation is; if you have an accident or tooth injury due to a contact sport, he or she will be available to assist you with better treatment. Our emergency dentist in Lethbridge can act during any dental emergency; they have the proper tools and materials to assist you, and will be available to help you even if it’s at night, a holiday, or a weekend.

This is what differentiates an emergency dentist from a regular dentist near you. Usually, regular dentists have a full schedule, and you need to schedule an appointment ahead of time to secure a place in their agendas. In the case of an emergency, they can see you in between patients, but nobody wants to take the risk of not being attended to, especially when you are in pain.

You can trust emergency dentistry in Lethbridge if you experience one of the following dental emergencies:

  • A chipped or cracked tooth.
  • A dental abscess.
  • Laceration of soft tissues.
  • A loose dental crown.
  • A filling that falls off.
  • A poking wire (if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment).
  • A knocked-out tooth.

Notice that neither cavities nor gum soreness are considered dental emergencies; hence, it is best to visit your regular dentist in these situations. Even though they don’t require immediate treatment, it doesn’t mean that you should ignore them. Prompt treatment will always be the best solution to avoid health issues.

Now, why is it so important to deal with a dental emergency quickly? Keep reading to find out.

Three Reasons to Act Quickly During a Dental Emergency

1. To Save Your Teeth

If you had a blow to your face, or fell and your tooth got cracked or completely knocked out, time is essential. If you act quickly, the lost tooth might be saved. The best-case scenario would be to locate the fragments or the tooth right away, preserve it inside a sealed container with milk (if milk is not available, use saliva or water, but keep the tooth moist), and go straight to your emergency dentist. If you get there under one hour, the chances of saving the tooth are higher. On the contrary, if you take too long, the chances are that the tooth cannot be saved, and you will need a prosthetic restoration to replace it.

2. To Avoid Pain

Pain is your body’s way to let you know that something is wrong; hence, if you have a toothache, you should go to the dental office as soon as possible. Sure, over-the-counter painkillers may reduce your pain temporarily, but your dentist needs to determine the root cause of the problem so he or she can fix it.

3. To Reduce the Risk of Infections

If you leave tooth decay untreated, bacteria will likely spread out of the tooth to the bones, causing a dental abscess. This infection can lead to sepsis and put your life at risk.

Now you know how important it is to deal quickly with dental emergencies. The longer you wait to receive treatment, the worse the situation can get, and the more pain you will experience.

Contact our specialists for more information, and visit us whenever you like to know more about all the dental procedures we offer. We will be glad to help you!

Address: 1268 6 Ave N, Lethbridge, AB  T1H 5T7, Canada