Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts About Root Canal

It is common to hear patients complaining about their need to undergo a root canal in our dental clinic in Lethbridge. There has been a misconception for many years now that the root canal is painful. We would like to clarify that, while this might have been true decades ago; at present, root canal therapy in Lethbridge is pain-free, as our endodontists use the best equipment and techniques to address any discomfort you may have during the dental visit.

What happens sometimes is that people confuse the pain they already have due to a severe cavity or dental trauma and attribute it to the procedure, which actually eliminates the pain and save the tooth.

If it weren’t for root canal treatment near you, severely damaged teeth would have to be extracted; hence, we should be thankful for this procedure, as it preserves your tooth and extends the life of it. Some people have the misbelief that during this procedure, a dentist near you kills the tooth, but it is actually the opposite. Sure, a dental professional will remove the pulp inside that contains nerves and blood vessels, which makes you believe that the tooth will be dead; however, a dental piece can survive without these tissues and be kept inside the mouth for many years to come.

Before the Procedure

Prior to the root canal work, your dentist will evaluate you. He or she will take x-rays to look at the condition of the tooth, as well as the shape of the roots. During this visit, you may discuss all of your concerns regarding the treatment, including your fears. Do not be ashamed of fearing the procedure because we understand where the misbelief comes from; however, our dental professional will explain to you the therapy step by step so you can feel calmed and confident.

During the Procedure

First, your endodontist will numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. If needed, he or she may use sedation dentistry. Then, your doctor will remove the damaged tooth structure, and the pulp inside of it. Next, he or she will disinfect the canals with an antimicrobial agent, and reshape them accordingly to seal them with a biocompatible material.

Your dentist will place a temporary cement and see you in a short time for the placing of the permanent crown. Resin composites are not used in these cases because if the cavity is too large and restored with resin, there is a high risk of fracture, as they don’t withstand chewing forces as good as a porcelain crown.

After the Procedure

You may feel mild to moderate discomfort after the root canal, but this will only last a few days. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen will help; nevertheless, if the pain persists after a week, you should schedule an appointment with your endodontist as soon as possible to determine what’s causing it.

A root canal can last many, many years; however, your daily oral care habits will be the key to keep it in good condition. Don’t stop brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, maintain a proper diet, and don’t skip your dental checkups. You will tell the difference if you follow these recommendations.

If you think you might need root canal work, don’t hesitate to contact our dental office. We have a team of caring and capable professionals that will monitor you and offer the best treatments based on your case.

It is time to see root canal therapy with different eyes and be thankful for it.

Address: 1268 6 Ave N, Lethbridge, AB  T1H 5T7, Canada